An Electric Kayak Motor for All
Looking for a Kayak Motor Kit? Can't decide what electric trolling motor would fit best on your personal watercraft? Bixpy motors takes the hassle out of that choice with a portable, powerful motor and endless adapters to fit any small watercraft.
Bixpy makes the most versatile small watercraft electric motor currently on the market. Bixpy’s universal, and watercraft-specific, adapters make mounting the Bixpy motor seamless on a countless number of small watercraft ( Whether you are on a paddle-board, fishing kayak, or dinghy, you can mount the Bixpy electric trolling motor. Now with a battery that is 20% smaller, but packs the same power & longevity, the Bixpy K-1 Angler Pro Kit is an easy choice for beginners all the way to tournament anglers
Trolling Motor Mounting Options
First, let's look at the three main types electric motors are installed on a fishing kayak. Typical kayak fishing motor mounts include bow-mounted, stern-mounted and mid-hull mounts or thru-hull pod mounts. A closer look at the three types:
Bow-Mounted Trolling Motors:
- Bow-mounted trolling motors are installed on the front (bow) of the kayak. They are attached to the kayak's bow using a bracket or mount.
- These motors are controlled by foot pedals or handheld remotes, allowing the angler to operate them from the bow of the boat.
- Bow-mounted motors provide great maneuverability and control, especially when fishing in shallow waters or navigating through obstacles like weeds or rocks.
- They are popular among kayak anglers who prefer precise control over the kayak's movement and positioning.
Stern-Mounted Trolling Motors
- Stern-mounted trolling motors are installed on the back (stern) of the kayak. They typically replace the kayak's rudder entirely or attach to the kayak's rudder using a mounting bracket.
- These motors can be controlled using hand-operated tillers or remote controls. Kayak's with foot controls for the rudder can steer the kayak using foot pedals or their hand rudder control depending on how the motor is mounted.
- Stern-mounted motors are often preferred for their simplicity and ease of installation. They are a great option for kayak anglers looking to save space (bow mounted motors can be in the way when in the stowed position).

Thru-Hull or Mid-Hull Trolling Motors
- Some kayaks, like the Old Town AutoPilot and MinnKota, come with plug and play drop through motors in the deck of your kayak.
- After-market motors, like the Bixpy K-1, use brackets to drop though any kayak that has an open hull for a pedal drive.
- Utulizing a drop-through motor, like the Bixpy, can free space, is more accessable for boat control and can be swapped out for the kayak's existing pedal drive should something go wrong.
Bixpy has a solution for any mounting style that you prefer, as well as adapters that fit almost any fishing kayak currently on the market. Learn more about Bixpy and the hard work that goes into their adapter database below.
Bixpy Products at Eco Fishing Shop
Shop All Bixpy Motor Kits and Adapters Available at Eco Fishing Shop
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Hooked! The Kayak Anglers Resource is your one-stop resource for all things fishing kayaks. Watch, listen and engage with kayak anglers like you. Our experts cover everything from kayak fishing for beginners, fishing kayak accessories to fishing kayaks with a motor. Whether you are new to the sport or an experienced kayak angler looking to learn new tricks, the Kayak Anglers Resource aims to help every kayaker of all levels of experience.
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It is easy to get wide eyes when dreaming of your perfect kayak setup. We see some of the craziest setups around in our line of work. But, those kinds of advanced setups with all the bells & whistles are not necessary for everyone. Sometimes, it is easier to take fellow kayakers' word for it rather than a retailers. That's why we created the Kayak Anglers Resource - a community of kayak anglers who share their experiences, ask questions and give honest reviews and assessments of kayaks and accessories. We can share our expertise until we are blue in the face, but a fellow anglers words often mean more.
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