Every time I won a marathon, I tried to promote it, explaining why it was the fastest polyethylene sea kayak on the market. I continue to train regularly on the Bourbon, and spend most of my time on the water in it, as well as in the Optima fitness boat. I have many other boats, including racing (Nelo Quattro L, Nelo Vanquish II), touring (Point 65 Bourbon 17, Wilderness Tempest 170), fitness (Optima) and rafting (Dagger Katana), not to mention bungee and SUPs. This diversity allows me to compare different models and share my observations with friends and other kayakers.
The speed that the Bourbon kayak reaches is a real phenomenon among polyethylene boats. I consider it one of the fastest kayak I have ever seen. I can vouch for this, and have confirmed it many times in marathons. The average cruising speed reaches 9.2 km/h.
The significant advantage in speed of the Bourbon is explained by its unique bow shape with flat and cruising geometry. Unlike many polyethylene kayaks, it does not have a sharp rocker or high exits from the water. On large waves, the kayak's bow can bury itself, but thanks to the large volume of the bow, the boat quickly rises to the wave.
This is an excellent kayak, stable and maneuverable. It will take a couple of weeks to adapt to it, and only with love will it reveal its best qualities. Without this love, you may not like it. I have won many marathons on this kayak. You can read more in my blog: https://brewerykayaker.ru/?tag=kayak. In general, this kayak is not for everyone, but it is extremely interesting. Like a convertible: not the first to buy, but will become a favorite.